Welcome to the website for our 3BR / 2BA Condo in Puako. If you are interested in renting it you can contact us at puakocondo@gmail.com , or at (206) 651-5117. We also have the condo listed on the VRBO site at http://www.vrbo.com/283640 . Our rate is $150 per night/$185 during holidays. Please do look at the calendar to see what our availability is during your anticipated travel dates!

The Grounds

In the condo garden, there are a wide variety of flowering shrubs and trees, and several types of fruit as well.  You'll need to check in with the Building Manager, Sara, before you pick anything, but when in season there are bananas, oranges, grapefruit and lime available on-property.

The flowering shrubs and trees just seem to keep on going, and in fact there have been no shortage of "hair flowers" regardless of the time of year. 
Lovely limes, for fish or for cocktails


My favorites are the hibiscus and the plumeria, but don't pick the oleander as it is slightly poisonous and can cause a rash!

Hibiscus flowers

The rest of the grounds have a mix of shrubs, trees and grassy areas, which are good for a game of tag or hide and go seek.

The largest of the grassy areas is to the right of the pool enclosure.  We are very lucky to have two pools - one of which is about 20" deep and perfect for toddlers and babies.  We've got floaty toys in the queen bedroom closet, and a pair of water wings too.

Main pool and a little peek of the wading pool, and two more of the lovely flowering bushes